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Proffaglögit // Professor glögi

Date: Wednesday 09.12.2020

Time: 13:00

Location: Zoom

Vuoden viimeisillä proffakahveilla tänä keskiviikkona 9.12. klo 13-15 vaihdetaankin sumpit glögiin lähestyvän joulun kunnaksi! Kuten arvata saattaa, tapahtuma järjestetään jälleen Zoomissa (linkki alla).

Vaikka teemajuomaksi on vaihtunut glögi, muilta osin konsepti on sama kuin ennenkin: hyvän mielen glögittelyt, joiden tarkoituksena on tuoda opiskelijoita ja opetushenkilökuntaa yhteen keskustelemaan opintoihin liittyvistä seikoista. Kannattaa siis osallistua varsinkin, jos mielen päällä on jotakin askarruttavaa! Mukaan saa tietenkin tulla myös vain hengailemaan.


Next professor coffee will happen on Wednesday 9th of December at 1pm to 3pm in Zoom (link below), though we will change the beverage from coffee to glögi because it's December!

Concept will be like before: At professor coffee students and personnel have a chance to meet and discuss about the study related concerns they might have. You should attend especially if you have something on your mind you would like to ask! Of course, you can also come just to hang out.

next professor coffee will happen on Wednesday 9th of December at 1pm to 3pm in Zoom (link below), though we will change the beverage from coffee to glögi because it's December!

Concept will be like before: At professor coffee students and personnel have a chance to meet and discuss about the study related concerns they might have. You should attend especially if you have something on your mind you would like to ask! Of course, you can also come just to hang out.

Zoom-link: https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/61514564431?pwd=Y2hQOHMwYklaSjVLOFRPaXZXR3g4QT09
Meeting ID: 615 1456 4431
Passcode: 021869