Announcement channels Information about Matrix's activities is communicated through various channels: the website, Telegram, and email lists. Event listings can be found on the website under the Events tab. Telegram Matrix has two Telegram channels. The information channel provides updates on Matrix's events and other activities. The job channel shares announcements about job opportunities relevant to mathematicians. Join Matrix's information channel: Join Matrix's job channel: Email Lists matrix This list provides information about Matrix's activities, board meetings, and other matters relevant to mathematics students. matrix-tyo This list includes job postings (excluding teaching positions) specifically tailored for current or recent graduates in mathematics. matrix-opet This list contains job postings in the education sector. For example, substitute positions can be found by subscribing to this list! matrix-alumnit This list is aimed at graduated mathematicians. It's also recommended to join the department's information list. Joining Email Lists To subscribe or unsubscribe from Matrix's lists, send the following commands to subscribe list-name email Subscribe to the list. The email field should only be filled in if you want to receive list emails at a different address than the one you're currently using. unsubscribe list-name email Unsubscribe from the list. Facing Issues? If you encounter any issues with the lists, don't hesitate to ask for help. The email lists are managed by the communications officer, whose contact information can be found under the Board & Officials tab. Your Message to Our List? If you wish to send a message to our list, contact the board at matrix-hallitus (at), the communications officer, or the business officers for job postings. Contact details for all operators are compiled here.