Date: Thursday 20.02.
Time: 16:00
Location: Matlu-klusteri (Leppäsuonkatu 11)
Type: Yhdistyksen kokous
Contact Person: Linda Maria Tuulikki Honkanen (lindahonkanen)
Matrix's statutory spring meeting is at Klusteri's club room on Thursday 20.2. from 4 pm onwards. The address is Leppäsuonkatu 11. You can get inside by ringing the doorbell labeled "Christina Regina". The meeting will discuss the annual report and financial statement of 2024 as well as the equality and environment plans of 2025. You can find the full agenda of the meeting down below. All full members have a right to a vote at the meeting, and all non-voting/auxiliary members have a right to attend. Please note that the names of the people attending the meeting will be written down to the minutes of the meeting, which will be archived for the next six years. Accessibility information: A small threshold at the front door. Heavy doors, entry by ringing the doorbell. Accessible toilet outside the Klusteri space itself, accessed using the elevator. In some places, the passageways are narrow. Potentially noisy, no separate quiet room. If you have any questions about accessibility, please contact Matrix's accessibility coordinator. AGENDA (link: Matrix ry Statutory spring meeting Place: Matlu-Klusteri, Christina Regina, Domus Gaudium, Leppäsuonkatu 11 Time: Thu 20.2.2025 at 4 PM 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Legality and quorum of the meeting 3. Selecting a chair for the meeting 4. Selecting a secretary for the meeting 5. Selecting scrutinizers of the minutes and counters of votes for the meeting 6. Agenda of the meeting 7, Notices 8. Presentation of annual report of 2024 9. Presentation and verification of the financial statement of 2024 10. Presentation of the statement of 2024 auditors 11. Granting discharge for persons in charge of 2024 12. Presentation of the 2025 equality plan 13. Presentation of the 2025 environment plan 14. Membership fee for the term 1.8.2025 - 31.7.2026 15. Update of the Matrix board-ribbon guideline 16. Any other business 17. End of the meeting